This weekend my friend and I attended
Frozen Dead Guy Days , Nederland's annual event celebrating Grandpa Bredo, a cryogenically frozen man stored in a shed near the town. With activities like the Coffin Race, Polar Plunge, and Parade of Hearses, it’s a weird, but wonderful way to end the short days of winter and head into the melting snows of spring.
In case you’re considering having a chance at life in the future…
The company Alcor will chill recently deceased individuals to temperatures below 180 degrees Fahrenheit. They charge $150,000 to cryopreserve a whole body and $80,000 for just the head (on the assumption that future science can regenerate bodies with stem cells, etc.) What a deal!
So the questions are: Did you take the Polar Plunge, and, is that the third option where you get to freeze only the lower extremities for free?
Voluntarily dive into freezing water? Yeah right! This is the girl who was cold wearing a 5mm wetsuit in the Caribbean.
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