Monday, February 15, 2010

More work, I guess, but the commute in is pretty gorgeous.  Here are some shots of Waimea canyon from our ride into Port Allen to catch the Maggie Joe.  Not a bad way to start the work day.  Hopefully on  Monday we will have the day off and can make a proper trip to the canyon (fingers crossed).

Waimea Canyon from the ride into Port Allen.

Even more far off views of Waimea Canyon

More pictures and pony tails after the jump!

One of the main goals of our trip was to record whale songs on the western coast of Kauai.  This time of year in the mating season for Humpback whales, so seeing them on the surface was inevitable.   Actually, the group we are working with has had a transducer in the water for most of our day runs, which means we have been listening to whale songs for the better part of the day.  Let me tell you, I still don't have any idea what they are saying!

A Whale Catching a Breath

Whale Tail...Pretty sure I can order a Pint of this at the Bar.

Pony Tail Alert.  Man I look Concerned.

Of course, working off of a charter fishing boat does have its pluses.  The crew seems to have lines in the water most any chance they can get, so catching fish is a regular occurrence on board.  The best catch of the day belongs to my man Mort with this Sandbar shark....maybe a 5 footer?  Not sure, maybe I'm just telling fish tales.  The crew was able to get the shark up to the swim platform and let it loose to roam the seas once more.

We got in early to port, maybe around 3pm local time, so we figured we should find a beach and relax a bit.  By suggestion, we seeked out Polihale State Park.  A bit of a drive up the coast led to an unpaved, unkempt dirt road that is only accessible to SUV and rental cars alike.  We are talking serous pot hole action.

The Ride into Polihale State Park

After braving the 5 mile drive in, we were met with gorgeous beaches that seem to be very unoccupied.  I guess you could call it the classic Hawaiian beach with beautiful sand, crashing waves, and cliffs in the background. 

Polihale State Park

More of Polihale State Park

The View When Leaving Polihale State Park

With that, I am again hoping to have a day off to take a trip up to Waimea Canyon and do some proper hiking on the island.  I will keep my feet and my camera about me and keep any who listen up to date!

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